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FAQ for Program - WAV Launcher v1.07 Program - WAV Launcher

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Question  How can I setup a command line for Program/WAV Launcher?

The format of the command line is as follows:

LAUNCHER.EXE {program or WAV path} {time in minutes}

Create a shortcut to LAUNCHER.EXE
Right-click that shortcut
Choose properties
After the path to LAUNCHER.EXE add the following:
{program or WAV path} {time in minutes}

would launch Windows notepad every 5 minutes.

would launch the sound WOW.WAV every 1 minute.

Click "OK"

Be sure to add a space after LAUNCHER.EXE and path to the file or WAV
Be sure to add a space after the path to the file or WAV and the minutes
Be sure to add " " around the whole path to LAUNCHER.EXE and the file or WAV to launch

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Added: Jan 20, 2005